Need help? Here's where you can view frequently asked questions and answers!
Which pages should I visit first?
The Home, About, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions' pages. They will be beneficial in understanding Integrative Studies and Arts' operations.
Does Integrative Studies and Arts offer Astrological Consultations?
No. Integrative Studies and Arts' concentrations are studies and arts through Programs, Community, and at times Lectures and Events pertaining to well-being and lifestyle.
Does Integrative Studies and Arts assist with interpretation of Individuals' Astrological Charts?
No. Integrative Studies and Arts does not offer interpretations or assistance with interpretations of individuals' astrological charts by emails, programs, nor any other additional sources.
Does Integrative Studies and Arts offer other types of Individual Consultations?
No. At this time, Integrative Studies and Arts presents studies and arts as a creative and assistor by means of a community presence. Integrative Studies and Arts does not schedule individual consultations regarding specializations listed on the site, whether locally or abroad. As of now, Integrative Studies and Arts' pursuit is to serve as further outreach in hopes that others discover their own customized approaches to a balanced life.
What are Integrative Studies and Arts' services and offerings?
Integrative Studies and Arts offers no-cost programs. At times, there may be Lectures and Events established pertaining to well-being and lifestyle. There are also Articles available on the site. A feature for sharing articles is included with each post, as this site area has been established to be a public resource/source offering.
Does Integrative Studies and Arts offer certification courses?
No. Programs do not issue certifications; they cater to introductory levels and beginners. You will gain apposite, foundational knowledge, and helpful support when needed as a subscriber. Subscription of programs enable Integrative Studies and Arts' subscribers access to foundational knowledge and activities when preferred.
I'm not familiar with the Sanskrit language; will it be difficult for me to benefit from the Beginners' Pranayama, Breath & Balance program?
No. The texts and resources provided are organized in a way that terminology of all programs is an ease to understand. Integrative Studies and Arts' creative and assistor received education in Vedic wisdom from India with some additional, educational engagements from worldwide institutions. The wisdom is not manipulated from its traditional origins, yet its presentation and format at Integrative Studies and Arts will be relatable to Western and any native English-speaking individuals.
Is Integrative Studies and Arts a non-profit organization?
No. Although this question hasn't been asked, for the certainty of clarification, Integrative Studies and Arts is not a non-profit organization. Since Integrative Studies and Arts presents no-cost program subscription services for the community, this Q and A was included to avoid any future confusion that may arise. To understand more about .org domains and how they may be applied, please visit Integrative Studies and Arts with Connie,, is a registered presence and is operational as an Educational Support Services Community.
Why does the site include content containing unveiled images?
Although this question hasn't been asked, for the certainty of clarification, Integrative Studies and Arts has made an effort to research policies pertaining to this topic. The site contains content involving historical events and images of artistic expression because ISA's concentrations are studies and arts. It is recommended that this site be utilized by individuals 18 years and older.
Thanks for viewing the assistance page. If your questions weren't answered here, connect with ISA.
Integrative Studies and Arts