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The Herbalists' Foundational Studies Lecture and Event Premieres June 28th!

herbalist in a botanical garden, herbal education, holistic care, meditation, and herbalism school for MS, LA, FL, AL, TN, TX, GA, AR, SC, community herbal school for MS, LA, FL, AL, TN, TX, GA, AR, SC

This Lecture and Event discusses the beginner's journey entering herbalism. Studies offer various fundamentals with the inclusion of more advanced topics regarding beginner herbalists. Receive essential information from professional sources and resources to further your journey if chosen.

What to Expect from this Lecture & Event

A Voice-guided/Narrated Herbal Studies Lecture and Event

Digital Writing and Video

Artful, Visual Presentation

Discusses Various Foundational Topics Regarding Herbalism

Concentration in Beginner, Family, and Community Herbalism


Professional Sources

Professional Resources

Optional Quizzes

Flexible Start Date

A Paced Event, Duration of 5 Days

Personalized Attendance Recognition Certificate

Continual Support with Subscription

The lecture and event is paced for a 5-day duration, but may be subscribed to at any time. Time requirements for each day are approximately 60 minutes, including time for pdf readings when it's applicable. It's recommended to relax for a period in between studies and then resume to complete the remaining 30 minutes for each day.

If you have any questions about this lecture and event, be sure to make contact for a timely response or sign up for the 2-day free trial!

This information is provided for general informational purposes and is not a substitute or definitive to replace physicians' care.

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