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Rahu and Ketu in Jyotish Astrology

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets (fictitious planets/fictitious grahas) that denote the points of intersection in the Sun and Moon orbit. Rahu is the north node of the moon's orbit and Ketu is the south node of the moon's orbit. They don’t hold an independent identity or rulership of any astrological (zodiac) sign because they aren't physical planets. Rahu’s association with Ketu is an establishment of opposites, placed seventh from each other in the natal chart. They are also those points in space where there is occurrence of eclipses. Rahu’s association in a natal chart will emphasize efforts or focus of an individual which can be relative to insatiable desire or obsession. In accordance to Indian mythology, Lord Vishnu severed the Asura, Rahuketu’s head for his deceit to gain immortality by consuming Amrut, the nectar of the gods. Because the Asura drank the nectar, nor the upper or lower portion of the entity could be destroyed. Rahu became the upper portion of the entity and Ketu became the lower portion of the entity. Rahu is closely associated with focus of materialization in this life, as, Ketu is closely associated with matters related to spirit and philosophical pursuits or developments. The effects or results of Rahu or Ketu change depending on the position in a natal chart because they only take on the traits of planetary dispositors or the effects change due to conjunctional association. Some believe, since Rahu is the head or upper portion, it is of consideration that most permit our Rahu to lead into experiencing different situations and developed cognizance in life, understanding that these engagements are illusionary and have no permanency. When this realization is established in depth of the psyche, then activating the energy of Rahu and Ketu in unison can be evolutionary and harmoniously placed toward more meaningfulness in life and perhaps at some point, nirvana or transcendence.

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