Duration of Breath Practice

Some may wonder when will they have the time to engage in breath practice. What should be the likely duration for breath practice? What to do after breath practice?... Below are some considerations that may assist with planning:
Duration of Breath Practice
Ultimately, the duration of breath practice will be dependent on the given time available in an individual's schedule and their hopeful development. Breath practice doesn't need to be a rigid routine someone feels obligated to do every day, yet it may be quite beneficial, so some try to conduct breath practice daily if possible. Breath practice is also conducted according to the prominent or determined state of the body. Below are some more common durations of time that have been known for breath practice or similar practices:
1. 3-5 minutes
2. 5-10 minutes
3. 10-15 minutes
4. 15-20 minutes
5. 20-30 minutes
6. 30 plus minutes
A brief breath practice of 3-5 minutes is enough to likely promote awareness and centeredness in the present moment.
Extending 5-10 minutes of breath practice may provide time for more in-depth connectivity to the process.
Beginners may find that breath practice under 30 minutes is more suitable until they become more familiar with the activity and their body's response to the process. An accommodating duration for some beginners may be between 10-30 minutes, offering more efficient timing to promote greater healthful experiences and well-being in the body and mind.
When an individual becomes familiar with breath practice, depending on the time available, they may conduct breath practice for well over 30 minutes. If this is a preference, it may be beneficial to include elements of gentle stretches before breath practice or between different breath practice modes. Also, if preferred, during the transition of intervals allowing some additional movement to gently shake out the legs may be proven beneficial. Another approach may be to alternate sitting postures between modes or intervals and include breath awareness meditation.
Breath awareness meditation may include in-between activities, such as listening to calm ambient music, journaling during the transition of intervals, and having moments of quiet contemplation.
Activity After Breath Practice
If breath practice is being done with someone else or a group, including a pleasant discussion circle after breath practice and enjoying a warm cup of tea offers an atmosphere for healthful connection along with sharing experiences and thoughts. If alone and an individual has time in their schedule, enjoying a warm cup of tea, reflecting on healthful experiences, and engaging in healthful thoughts may be enjoyable after breath practice. Rehydrating with room temperature water may be required first. Particular water temperatures may be considered depending on doshas or the body's response. Avoid drinking or eating anything at the least 30 minutes after practice. A warm cup of green tea is believed to be supportive. Be mindful of caffeine intake regarding tea selections to maintain balance. It has been stated that showering or bathing be withheld at the least 30 minutes to allow the body's functioning to settle before further engagements. Although it's recommended to conduct practice when there's a certainty of adequate time, a more flexible time frame may be at the least 15 minutes if necessary before further engagements. If it is necessary at any time during practice, regardless of the above statements, please disengage from the practice and hydrate the body by drinking water. Resume with practice when ready. It is important to be attentive to the body's response.
Additional Article: Assisting Inner Balance Through Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation
Understand that engagement with the above is of sole discretion. Refer throughout this program for some general considerations regarding breath practice and pranayama. Initially, searching for a local qualified guide may be most beneficial for a more personable monitored experience, especially considering the state of health or condition. Inquire with your licensed healthcare provider if there are any existing conditions that may not be conducive to practice, being that only a few are mentioned in this community or on this site.
This information is provided for general informational purposes and is not a substitute or definitive to replace physicians' care.